8. “Exception That Proves the Rule”

I have no idea what the expression “exception that proves the rule” means.  I think it was invented in order to deprive exceptional situations from having any significance.  It is similar to being told by a teacher, lawyer, or whomever that “if I do “X” for you, I have to do “X” for everybody.  These are not justifications for anything but shallow methods for denying individuality when individuality is what is important.   Exceptions are the black swans we don’t believe exist that can become new additions to the world, even become norms. Allowing for individual initiatives or actions stimulates creativity by allowing people to pursue ideas, even if they do not, finally, turn out to be as inventive or interesting as they might have seemed at first.  All that is necessary to accomplish this is time and empathy. Is anyone truly willing to give these to another person?


9. A Confession


7. You Cannot Love What You Fear